Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chemical Reactions

     In our chemistry class we were given a lab on chemical reactions. We had to do eight reactions from five different categories which were synthesis, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement and combustion.
     If you do not know what this categories are here are the meanings:

Synthesis: Makes or creates two or more substances joined together to make a third thing.               
                     General form: A + X -> AX

Decomposition: To take apart or break down.(substances is broken down into two different substances.)
                   General form: AX -> A + X

Single-Replacement: An element replaces a similar element in a compound usually take place in aqueous solution.
                    General form: A + Bx(aq) -> Ax + B

Double-Replacement: Ions of two compounds that changes places. Usually takes place in aqueous solution. one product is usually soluble (aq) and the other forms such as gas or sometimes water.
                                General Form: Ax(aq)+ BY(aq) -> AY + Bx

Combustion: A substance( usually hydrocarbon) combined with oxygen releasing a large amount of heat and light.
                A complete Combustion: Hydrocarbon + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + water
                                                        C3H3 + O2 -> CO2(g) + H2O(l) + Energy

                  Out of all the reactions my group completed my favorite reaction was Double-Replacement. It was really easy to complete and it had a fast reaction. This is how I did it:

1.Measure 10 ml of Iron Sulfate into a beaker.
2. Measure 1 teaspoon of aluminum metal. Set aside
3. Now drop the aluminum metal into the iron sulfate beaker and wait around 2-4 minutes to see the reaction of the chemicals.

The reaction should create some sort of bubbles or white liquid at the bottom of the beaker. That is because the iron sulfate is dissolving the aluminum metal.

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